Monday, April 23, 2012

Best Natural Remedies for PEyesuffy

Best Natural Remedies for PEyesuffy:Eyes Aggrandizement is acquired by over fat assimilation beneath eyes. You can abate your aggrandizement of eyes by application these tips. Some tips are accustomed
below. Please checkout.

* Take the slices of raw potato and administer it on your eyes. It will abate the puffiness.
* Take 2 acclimated blooming or atramentous tea accoutrements and freezes them in refrigerator again applies them on your billowy eyes and abide it for 15 minutes. It will accord you acceptable result.
* Take the accomplished of cucumber or cucumber slices and administer it on your eyes, it will accord you acceptable result.
* Daily administer the brush oil on your billowy eyes. It is a acceptable antecedent to abate the puffiness.

Fariha Taj