Friday, February 5, 2016

Tips to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast

Stretch marks can result after the pregnancy or when you wear tight elastics on your waist. These are the marks which seem like your skin has been damaged due to a strong stretch. In this article we are going to tell some of the tips which will tell you how to remove stretch marks from your body.


Retin A is a highly useful stretch marks curing cream which is recommended and approved by the University of Michigan. The people who have used this cream have seen visible results in small time. This cream boosts the collagen protein in the skin which repairs the skin making it beautiful and damage free. It develops elasticity in the skin so that skin does not get stretch marks next time.
DO NOT USE retinoic acid products while pregnancy. This chemical develops deficiency in the humans while birth and can cause problem afterwards. Retin-A is not as effective on older stretch marks as fresh ones. Avoid exposing your skin much to the sun. It will cause more damage to the 
stretch marks.
Glycolic Acid

Glycolic Acid is as beneficial as the Retin-A. It also produces the collagen protein which is a highly useful ingredient for the skin. Glycolic Acid is safe to use while pregnancy. Meanwhile the treatments never go under sun for long time. Over the time if there is a need to increase the dosage then you must consult the doctor before practicing it.

Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E is considered the fast friend of skin. It is highly beneficial to maintain elasticity in skin and making it resistant to numerous types of disease. It has been observed that the Vitamin E is highly effective for those women who have been pregnant before. You can use it by mixing it in your daily cream. It is highly effective in curing skin diseases and damages. See More “How to Use Vitamin E Oil on Skin and hair“.
Egg Oil
Egg oil is as beneficial as Vitamin E if used regularly before the pregnancy. It will reduce the chances of stretch marks while pregnancy and you will be tension free meanwhile. Gentle massage of egg oil on the abdomen will prevent you from the stretch marks.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C in Oral supplements is really beneficial for reducing the stretch marks. Taking it in the diet can also be beneficial for overall health.
See More  Vitamin Benefits For Acne And Pimples
Laser therapies
If you have fresh stretch marks and want to get rid of it instantly then pulsed dye laser can be
beneficial for you. Some people consider lasers as harmful thing however they do not know that they exists in our environment. The Pulse dye laser if set at 585-nm can vanish stretch marks. This treatment can be expensive however can cure your problem easily.

Fractional Laser treatment

Fresh stretch marks with no discoloration to silver can be cured easily with the laser. Side effects can be the result of using fractional laser treatment. If you are scared of laser treatment then try the simple ones stated above in this article. You will surely get rid of skin damage of stretch marks.

Fariha Taj