Saturday, July 7, 2012

Teenage Girls Health At Risk With Size Zero Diets

Teenage girls dieting to ability admeasurement aught are putting their basic at risk. This ability advance to continued appellation problems such as osteoporosis. Fat accumulation plays an important role in architecture cartilage abnormally in girls.

4,000 adolescent humans age-old 15 were activated application scanning techniques that affected the appearance and physique of their bones.It was aswell affected how abundant physique fat they had. Humans with college levels of fat had beyond and thicker bones. The bulk of beef in the physique was begin to be accompanying anon to cartilage growth. An 11lb (5kg) access in fat accumulation in girls was associated with an 8 per cent access in the ambit of the lower leg bone. Fat plays an important role in changeable cartilage development the absolute access was about 70 per cent greater in girls.
Being anorexic leads to anon attenuate bones. Girls tend to accept college levels of fat than boys, even if they are accustomed weight. Cartilage accumulation continues to access into the mid twenties but afterwards the age of 35 cartilage accident increases as allotment of the accustomed ageing process. Architecture able basic is important for women as they are three times added acceptable to advance cartilage thinning, or osteoporosis. Women ache up to three times added hip fractures than men in after life.
After so abundant media advertising with admeasurement 0 there is a acceptable accord of burden on boyish girls to be thin. But girls should be acquainted that this could endanger their developing skeleton and put them at accident of osteoporosis.

Fariha Taj

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