Friday, October 12, 2012

If Malala survives, we will target her again: Taliban

Malala Yousafzai being transferred to CMH, Peshawar. PHOTO: ISP

Taliban agent Ehsanullah Ehsan said his accumulation was abaft the shooting.“She was pro-West, she was speaking adjoin Taliban and she was calling President Obama her idol,” Ehsan said by blast from an bearding location.
“She was adolescent but she was announcement Western ability in Pashtun areas,” he said, apropos the capital indigenous accumulation in northwest Pakistan and southern and eastern Afghanistan.

DPO Swat Rasool Shah said that a seek operation has been accomplished in the breadth and a amount of suspects accept been arrested.
Malala was confused to Saidu Sharif Medical Complex in Mingora anon afterwards the adventure and afterwards she was confused to Peshawar in an Army helicopter.
Doctors at the Saidu Sharif Medical Complex said that Malala was out of crisis afterwards the ammo penetrated her skull but absent her brain.
“A ammo addled her head, but the academician is safe,” said Dr Taj Mohammed.
“She is out of danger,” he added.
Dr Laal Noor, from the aforementioned hospital, accepted that the ammo bankrupt her skull but absent her brain.
“The ammo addled her skull and came out on the added ancillary and hit her shoulder,” he told AFP.
After accepting done with Malala’s check-up, the doctors said that she ability be beatific away for treatment.
As the account fabricated rounds, hundreds of humans flocked alfresco the hospital, accommodating to accord claret to Malala.
Two bullets hit Malala — one in the arch and addition amid the close and chest.
Malala’s friend, Shazia, while address the adventure to Express Account said, ”When we were advancing aback from school, unidenfitied men approached our bus and asked us to analyze Malala, if we told him, he opened fire.”
The Government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa has taken a apprehension of the incident.
Hailing from Mingora, the 14-year-old Malala struggled for abating accord in Swat and apprenticeship for girls in the arena for which she was awarded the National Accord Award by above prime abbot Yousuf Raza Gilani.
When the Taliban had banned apprenticeship for females in the district, she kept a account for the British Broadcasting Corporation and wrote about the misdeeds of militants.
Yousufzai aswell remained a apostle for the Adolescent Assembly in Swat, which works for adolescent rights in the district. Afterwards on, she was awarded the aboriginal National Accord Award by the government of Pakistan on December 19, 2011 for apprehension adventuresome casework to advance accord during the mayhem.

Fariha Taj