Sunday, January 27, 2013

Latest Sexy Girl Beauty & Fashion

Well I was down at the zig zag that's the zig zag bar & grill and everybody was talking at once and it was getting real shrill. and I've been around the block but I don't care I'm on a roll

On a wild ride cause the moon is full and look out baby I'm at high tide. I've got a beautiful red dress and you'd look really good standing beside it.. I've got some beautiful new red shoes
Hey look so fine I've got a hundred and five fever and it's high tide. well just the other day I won the lottery I mean lots of money I got so excited I ran into my place and I said: hey is any
Home? nobody answered but I guess that's not too weird since I live alone. I've got a beautiful red dress and you'd look really good standing beside it.. girls we can take it and if we can't
Onna fake it we're gonna save ourselves we're gonna make it and if we don't we're gonna take it we're gonna save ourselves save ourselves well they say women shouldn't be the president cause we
Azy from time to time well push m
Y button baby here I come yeah look out baby I'm at high tide I've got a beatiful red dress and you'd look really good standing beside it.. I've got a little jug of red sangria wine and we could
Little sips from time to time I've got some bright red drop dead lips I've got a little red card and mechanical hips I've got a hundred and five fever ok! ok! hold it! I just want to say som G. you know for every dollar a man makes a woman makes 63 cents. now fifty years ago that was 62 cents. so with that kind of luck it'll be the year 3,888 before we make a buck. but hey girl
Can take it and if we can't we're gonna fake it we're gonna save ourselves save ourselves yeah tell it to the judge we're gonna make it and if we don't we're gonna take it we're gonna save ou
Es save ourselves we've got a fever of a hundred and five and look baby it's high tide. well I could just go on and on and on.. but tonight I've got a headache.

Fariha Taj

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