Tuesday, September 12, 2017

North Korea warns USA: Prepare for ‘GREATEST PAIN’ ever in SHOCKING World War 3 threat

NORTH Korea has warned the United States to prepare for the "greatest pain" the nation has ever suffered as Kim Jong-un rejects UN sanctions.Pyongyang rejected a UN Security Council resolution to slap sanctions on North Korea following its sixth nuclear test and ramped up tensions with its latest threat sparking fears World War 3 could break out.

A defiant North Korea "categorically rejected" the resolution, saying the United States was "fired up" for confrontation and would soon face the "greatest pain" it had ever experienced.

North Korea's ambassador, Han Tae Song, told the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on Tuesday the US was "fired up for political, economic, and military confrontation".

He said: "My delegation condemns in the strongest terms and categorically rejects the latest illegal and unlawful UN Security Council resolution.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was "ready to use a form of ultimate means", Han said without elaborating.

He said: "The forthcoming measures by DPRK will make the US suffer the greatest pain it ever experienced in its history."

But the US hit back with US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley saying: "We don't take pleasure in further strengthening sanctions today.

"We are not looking for war. The North Korean regime has not yet passed the point of no return.
"If it agrees to stop its nuclear programme, it can reclaim its future.

"If North Korea continues its dangerous path, we will continue with further pressure."

Major US allies in Asia welcomed the UN Security Council's unanimous vote to step up sanctions on North Korea, with its profitable textile exports now banned and fuel supplies to the reclusive North capped.
Japan and South Korea said after the passage of the US-drafted Security Council resolution they were prepared to apply more pressure if North Korea refused to end its aggressive development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

US President Donald Trump has vowed not to allow North Korea to develop a nuclear missile capable of hitting the mainland United States.

It comes amid fears Kim Jong-un could soon launch another intercontinental ballistic missile in defiance of international pressure.

North Korea said its September 3 test was of an advanced hydrogen bomb and was its most powerful by far.

Fariha Taj

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