Thursday, January 21, 2016

Best Natural Face Moisturizer For Dry Skin

Dry flaky skin is the problem faced by most of the people. Here we will discuss best natural face moisturizer for dry skin to make skin healthy and fresh.

Avocado and honey moisturizer
Take 3 tablespoon of fresh cream in a bowl then add ¼ avocado and 1 tablespoon honey in it. Blend the ingredients in a grinder to form a paste. Apply this paste on the face and keep it for one hour then wash it off with warm water. Honey acts as an antiseptic and anti-aging product while fresh cream will moisturize the skin making it smooth and soft and avocado nourishes skin naturally making it even tone.

Butter milk treatment
Butter milk is the natural face moisturizer for dry skin containing lactic acid that helps to exfoliate

skin by removing dead, dry skin and repairing damaged cells. Wet a piece of clean cloth in a cold butter milk place this cloth on your face and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. Then wash your face gently so some of the milk will remain on the skin. Try this natural recipe every day and you will get rid of dry skin for sure.

Best Natural Face Moisturizer For Dry Skin
Best Natural Face Moisturizer For Dry Skin
Milk and rose water lotion
Milk helps to lock the moisturizer in the skin thus make it look soft and fresh for long. On the other hand rose water also helps to repair skin by removing dead cells. Make a lotion by mixing four tablespoon of milk, few drops of lemon juice and rose water. Massage this lotion all over the face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes then wash the face with cold water. Try this recipe twice a day and you will feel the difference in your skin texture.

Yogurt is an amazing natural product for moisturizing dry skin. It contains skin hydrating agent, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that help to make skin smooth and fresh. Mix one tablespoon of yogurt, crushed papaya, few drops of lemon juice and one tablespoon honey to make a paste. Apply this mixture on the face and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. After that soak a towel in a hot water and put it on the face so that beneficial agents penetrate deep into the skin. Then take of the towel and wash your face with warm water. Papaya helps to light the dark patches form due to dryness.

Moisturizing scrub
It is essential to scrub off dead cells to make skin look fresh and beautiful. So make your own scrub at home with natural products. Take two tablespoon of wheat flour in a bowl add half teaspoon turmeric powder, few drops of olive oil and milk to make a paste. Apply this paste on face, let it dry then scrub it off with damp hands. Turmeric protects skin from infections while milk and olive oil soothes the dry skin.

There are many reasons for dryness, it may be due to dehydration of skin, due to winters or may be due to not moisturizing skin properly with moisturizing products. With these natural face moisturizer for dry skin you can keep your skin fresh and beautiful.

Fariha Taj

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