Best Cream for Pimples, Dark Spots and Acne
Acne is the common problem faced by many people. It is mainly high in young age. The main cause of acne and pimples is excess sebum. Acne, pimples and dark spots often leave scars behind which looks very untidy. The care must be taken in order to avoid all these problems.
The easy remedies for all these are that, first of all one must drink plenty of water at least 15 glasses a day. Avoid using soap. Don’t use cheap creams and lotions available in the market which claims that they will clean your face in a week. They are made up of extremely dangerous chemicals that harm your skin cells badly.Best 14 skin lightening cream.
Always wash your face with cold water and use medicated face wash of any good and reliable brand. Keep consulting your dermatologist. Avoid oily food. Don’t eat spicy food. Keep it away from dusty places.10 Best Cream For Dark Circles Under The Eyes.
When it comes to using creams in this case it’s better to use creams that are made up of herbal and natural products. Use creams that contain neem. Neem is best for every type of skin. It is a anti acne cream. It will not harm your skin at all.
You can also use the creams and face wash containing tree tea oil. It will keep you away from having more acne and pimples. It will do deep cleansing.
Use of Aloe Vera moisturizing lotion is best for dark spots, acne and pimples.
You can also use Hydroquinone fade creams. It will bleach your face without harming and causing any itching due to acne and pimples.Causes and Natural Treatment of Adult Acne.
Make use of lemons at home. Rub your skin with lemons. Lemons are very effective for skin.
Olive oil acts as anti-bacterial thing for skin. Apply olive oil to your face in morning at least thrice a week.
Lemon juice can also be used with some other ingredients such as yogurt, 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tbsp. oatmeal and quantity of lemon juice is also 1 tbsp. Apply this paste to your face it will remove all the dark spots which are caused by pimples and acne. After applying at least leave for 20 minutes for required results.
Honey is the best face mask. Use honey with vinegar and few drops of lemons. These were few tips for acne, pimples and dark spots. They will help you get rid of this evil.
More Information:
What is Acne? What Causes Acne? Types of Acne and acne scar treatment.What is the impact? Acne Treatment Options? How to prevent of acne?