| July 14, 2012 Beautiful Girls Beautiful GirlsHere is the arcade for all the boys out there and maybe even the girls. We accompany the beauteous pictures of the a lot of admirable girls in the world. We are apologetic if we accept abandoned anybodyBeauty is added than just a wrappingLook inside… tis area the gold hides.For that little cell or asset foundYou have to douse abroad exceptionable ground.Gold is just commodityPassed amid easily of those in desireTo abrasion to affect added like mindedOr advertise if the afterglow no best shines.Carressing gold are added treasuresOf color, facets, admeasurement and shapeGold is just a section of yellowDon’t let her added treasures escape.Make use of all she has to offerSand and rock, mud and strawAdobe’s anesthetized to analysis of timeBuild something that will endure forever share