Wednesday, December 24, 2014

7 Best way to Take Care of Your Eyes

No doubt eyes are “windows of the soul." Virtually speaking, our eyes are the windows through which we view the world around us. Either way, there's no question that we have a great value for our eyes and vision.
As many Surveys have revealed that of the five senses, sight is the one of the important and that people fear losing the most.
Given the significant function our eyes perform for us, it would seem to follow that we'd give them the greatest care possible, but sometimes we get too busy or we overlook to do a few simple things that can keep our eyes healthy.
Remember your childhood and when your mom told you that carrots would improve your eyesight? Well, she might be right. Next, we tell you how to prevent eye injuries whether you're playing sports or doing household chores. We will also tell you when to wear safety glasses and what kinds will work best for you.1. Fresh Fruits and Veggies:
Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies that are especially helpful in maintaining healthy eyes. Vegetables like broccoli, wild salmon, sardines, bell peppers, and Brussels sprouts are also great for your eyes because of the vitamin C content in them. Furthermore, Sweet potatoes, green tea bags, cucumber and spinach can also be placed around the eyes for maintaining good eyes.
2. Avoid Contact Lense:

Avoid wearing contact lenses for more than 19 hours. Those who have weak eye side have to take extra precautions of not wearing lenses more than 10 hours. Also avoid wearing glasses too long either. Especially 3-D glasses! It is also recommended not to sleep wearing contact lenses in unless specifically instructed to do so. Usage of allergen-reducing eye drops is must
3.UV Polarized Sunglasses:
Wear UV polarized protective sunglasses to protect your pupils dilate from harmful rays.
4. Computer Screen Exposure:
Avoid prolong exposure to computer screen. While working on computer try to blink your eyes as much as you can to avoid having drier eyes.
5. Exercise your Eyes:
Exercise your eyes and also be sure to relax them. One simple exercise you can do is to sit down, place your elbows on your hips, close your eyes and bring your closed eyes down, resting them on your palms for 10 seconds. Repeat the process 3 to 4 times and you will feel the difference.
6. Don’t Study in the Dim Light:
Reading in dim light can cause eye strain but will not damage your eyes. If your eyes feel tired, stop for a while and take a break.
7. Avoid Rubbing Your Eye:
Never rub the eye outside to inside WHILE REMOVING EYE MAKEUP Oil containing emulsions are particularly useful.

Fariha Taj

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