Thursday, January 15, 2015

Benefits of Orange

Oranges are oval to sphere-shaped fruits with leathery, porous skin. Their color ranges from orange to red-orange. Oranges may be confused with other citrus fruits, such as grapefruits and tangerines. However,

grapefruits are usually much larger and more yellow than oranges, and tangerines have a more flattened sphere shape than oranges. All citrus trees are of a single genus, Citrus, and remain largely interbreed able – that is, there is only one “super species” which includes lemons and limes as well as oranges. Nevertheless names have been given to the various members of the citrus family, oranges often being referred to as Citrus sinensis and Citrus aurantium. Orange nutrition Think oranges and the first thing that comes into one’s mind

 is vitamin C. No doubt oranges are rich in vitamin C; however, this is just one of its many useful nutrients. The presence of beta-carotene in it is a much more beneficial feature, argue some. Beta-carotene is a powerful natural antioxidant and serves a number of purposes, improving your skin and skin tone is just one among them. It is also a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, pyridoxine and folate. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish. Orange fruit also contains a very good amount of minerals like potassium and calcium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Nutrients in oranges are plentiful and diverse. The fruit is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber, pectin, which is very effective in persons with excess body weight. Pectin, by its action as bulk laxative, helps to protect the mucous membrane of the colon by decreasing its exposure time to toxic substances as well as by binding to cancer causing chemicals in the colon. Pectin has also been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels by decreasing its re-absorption in the colon by binding to bile acids in the colon.   Along with being a nutritional fruit, orange provides various health benefits as it is beneficial for people suffering from asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, kidney stone and rheumatism amongst others. Additionally, it also helps in preventing diabetes and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby keeping the health of one’s heart in check. It has also been found that people who are alcoholic with a constant craving for liquor can reduce their liquor desire through oranges.

Fariha Taj

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