Sunday, March 27, 2016

10 Natural Ways To Sweeten Any Food

Here we give you 10 best natural sweeteners which are tastier, healthier, and even environmentally-friendly.
Blackstrap molasses

Blackstap molasses is what you get after sugarcane has been boiled three times. It has a strong flavor, and can be a good sweetener for oatmeal and cereals.
Brown rice syrup
It is made when cooked rice is refined with enzymes, which helps to break the starch present in rice, which results in a thick syrup.It is not very sweet but has a distinct (but mild) butterscotch flavor.
This is made from fruit sugars, this is sweeter than refined sugar. Mostly found in many food stores in granulated form, in case you don’t want to go the extra mile and just use the fruit itself.
Coconut sugar
It is made from the juice of coconut flower buds. It is high in potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron and due to lower-glycemic property it is a healthier alternative.
Date sugar
It is a sweetener made of dried, crushed dates. It is rich in iron, potassium and vitamins.
Fruit juice concentrates
Made from the juice of fruit. Available in many food stores, which is full of flavors and nutritional value.
Fruit source
Made from a natural blend of grape and rice carbohydrates. It is a new natural sweetening product.
Turbinado sugar
They are brown crystals, renowned as raw sugar, this is partly processed sugar that contains some molasses.
Evaporated cane juice
It is a lighter-colored version of turbinado sugar. It contains some nutrients and vitamin B12.
A natural sweetener that occurs in fruits and some vegetables. Xylitol is stored in crystalline form in many food stores and is very beneficial for diabetes patients.

Fariha Taj

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