Thursday, March 24, 2016

Some Incredible Health Benefits Of Eggs

Don’t be afraid of eggs. They are a super health food and can be prepared in many interesting ways, Here’s the health benefits of eggs, Read on!
Eggs are a well known rich source of protein an important building block of bones, muscles,
cartilage, skin, and blood. The body uses protein to build and repair tissues as well as making enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals.
Unfortunately, unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply.
Thus eggs are the perfect sources and a smart food choice for those who reduce their intake of carbohydrates in a bit to lose excess weight.
The yolk, which many of us avoid out of fear, is actually a very healthy food, if consumed in moderation. Mainly fat, the yolk contains 1.33 gm of cholesterol per 100 gms and is a rich source of vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorous, lecithin and iron.
Incidentally, the iron found in the yolk is easily digested and assimilated in the body. According to nutrition experts, one can eat one whole egg every day without harming one’s cholesterol and other blood-fat levels.
But for those who crave for more eggs, you can reduce fat by using one whole egg and the whites of the rest of the eggs.
Here’s how the nutrition in an egg can be broken down: A hen’s egg of 60 gms consists of:
7.9 gms of protein
7.9 gms of fat
36 mgs of calcium
132 mgs of phosphorous
1.26 mgs of iron

Fariha Taj

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