Thursday, April 13, 2017

latest healthy peach benefit for human

Who doesn’t love a juicy, tasty peach?

Peaches have been grown for centuries. They were first cultivated in China where they are considered a symbol of immortality and friendship.

I consider them a key powerfood along with staples like apples and pears. I just wish they were available longer!

16 Ways Peaches Fortify Your Health

1. Peaches are the perfect snack food for losing weight. A peach makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating. The bonus: one peach only contains about 35-50 calories and no fat!

2. Fight obesity-related diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Peaches are rich in phytochemicals called phenols that act as antioxidants.

3. Keep the skin healthy. Vitamin A and C make peaches a great natural moisturizer; they’re often used in cosmetics. These vitamins can help regenerate skin tissue.

4. Reduce hair loss with its positive effect on the scalp.

5. A healthy stress-reliever that helps reduce anxiety. Peaches are often referred to as the ‘Fruit of Calmness’ in Hungary.

Fariha Taj