Friday, June 16, 2017

Healthy Financial Choices for Education Loan Borrowers

Numerous private and public lending organizations offer different types of student loans. Whether it is an interest-free education loan or high-interest one, you need to remain straight and narrow in your 20s. It is a demanding task any given day. Therefore, smart borrowers work on building financially smart habits. So, these are the habits you want to cultivate.
Habit No. 1: Pay Extra When You Can
Some months are tough, others are not. That's a financial cycle for anyone. Whether you are new to the life of workforce or a jaded executive, cycle of tough and easy won't end. So, be smart when life is easy. Save up for your education loan repayment. That will allow you to repay easily. Some students get the instant interest-free education loan. That is a deal of a lifetime. But, repayment can be real trouble if you do not cultivate the habit to prepay when you can. These prepayments not only demonstrate your commitment but also put you in good standing. It is an extremely valuable factor when trouble comes knocking.
Habit No. 2: Ask For Help at a Right Time
This habit is important for people whose education loan interest is high. Most private and public organizations do not respect borrowers, who default their loan repayments. So, will you be able to pay next EMI for the education loan? No. Start taking action now. Even an interest-free education loan is a loan and skipping loan EMIs has consequences. So, immediate action is essential if you are not in a financial position to pay next EMI. Contact loan servicer to ask for an extension. If you can repay a part of it, ask for a reduction. If you need to adjust your repayment plan in any way, ask for it. You should contact relationship officer for help.
Habit No. 3: Start on a Right Repayment Structure
Most students have no idea about repayment plans when they accept an education loan. Even an interest-free loan on a scholarship program needs to be paid conveniently and timely. The right balance of comfort and timely repayments can be arranged with a right structure of repayments. Most loans start repayments in the second year after graduation. So, students must understand monthly expenses and build an emergency fund in the first year after graduation. Thus, you can opt for a repayment structure you can afford to maintain throughout the loan tenure. Assess your repayment structure from time to time. This will enable you to pay education loan interest and principal amount on time easily. Due thought at a right time will provide necessary support in repayments.

Fariha Taj

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