Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Love and luxury life between husband, wife if they angry or divorce

If husband and wife are angry or they have one divorce and separate life passing.They have quarreled in them.Contact us,In our website Sariinfo.com.We, have God gifted thing about the luxuary life of husband-wife because it is not then our life is destroyed and fake.Often time,we saw that some miss behaviour talks between husband, the are increase fare increasing like a storm.The storm changes life in angriness and divorce.There are many reasons of angry and divorce between husband and wife.These are below.
(1) Disagreement from any reason.
(2) Quarrel live together in every time.
(3) Some miss understandings with false.
(4) Fightings are normal between them.
(5) Do angry of every talk.
Hare are solutions of five kinds who are upper.
(1) Agreement of husband and wife from every big reason.
(2) Ignorance from all talks who creates quarrel.
(3) Compromise with true-false talk
(4) Do not fightings from any reason.
(5) Do not angry of every talk.
Please, the recite some verse of Holly Quran for calm and happy life.Some Dua from Holly Quran like these is hair,Sarah e Yaseen of seven times.Sarah e alias Imran Ayat  no 31 three times.

Fariha Taj

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