Sunday, October 15, 2017

'Saturday Night Live': Alec Baldwin's Trump demands Pence walk out of everything

As part of the show’s cold open sketch, Baldwin’s Donald Trump addressed a rally in “Harass-burg,” Pennsylvania, where he boasted about rolling back Obama-era policies before phoning Beck Bennett’s Mike Pence as he hit a Pacers’ game, a Starbucks and a same-sex wedding.Among the president’s concerns? Are the basketball players still kneeling in protest of the flag protest of police violence and institutional racism? Has Starbucks again disrespected our “Lord and Savior Santa Claus” with their “Happy Holidays” coffee cups? Does the wedding align with Double Corinthians’ view of marriage, which is between “a man and a woman, then another woman, then another woman (and) maybe one more if you’ve got it in you”?
Following each disappointing brief from Pence, Trump demands that he bail. Later, the president returned his attention to the rally and broached other recent events that have offended him – namely, Eminem’s viral anti-Trump rap during the BET Hip Hop Awards cypher.“Eminem apparently did a freestyle network on the BET network the other day,” Trump noted, “and he rapped some very nasty things about me, and very soon I’m going to release a response rap on the White Entertainment Network, HGT
The question remains whether the track will be a flip or flop.  

Fariha Taj

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