Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Easy Makeup Hacks Which Will Make You Look 10 Times Younger

Today, a majority of aging women in almost every part of the world opt for surgeries to enhance their facial as well as physical features. At the same time, one cannot deny the percentage of females who don’t have sufficient funds to be able to afford these high-end surgical enhancements.

Listed below are some useful makeup hacks that can bring about a younger and youthful look to your face.
First of all, skin and body should be kept hydrated at all times, which would prevent the formation of wrinkles. Wrinkles are a consequence of skin losing its moisture content and elasticity. So make sure you keep yourself hydrated. Alongside this, your makeup regime should begin with using a moisturizer.
Beginning the makeup with this would give you a plumped, smooth and radiant-looking skin.
The second step towards a smoother skin is to apply a primer. It gives that really velvety look to the makeup, which makes the skin look amazing. Skin is porous; as much as this helps in homeostasis, this can also be quite troublesome in older age when the pores just open up.
Applying a layer of primer would be beneficial to make it look less porous. Furthermore, since most of the primers are non-comedogenic, they will not clog your pores or make the skin break out.
Next up is the foundation application. It should be noted that foundation should be applied before the concealer as the foundation might move the concealer from where it should be and the end result would be you trying to cover it up with more foundation. Choosing the best foundation for your skin depends entirely on your skin type and tone.
Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that the foundation being purchased should be non-comedogenic as well.
As one ages, the dependence upon concealing also increases. So, after applying the foundation, a concealer should be used to cover up for any blemish or any unsightly aging spot or any fine lines and wrinkles.
The criteria for any concealer fit for your skin is that it should not be more than two shades lighter than your skin tone. If it gets too light, then those areas would brighten up obnoxiously and would bring unwanted attention to the areas you were hoping to conceal. Furthermore, the “type” of concealer one buys is also very crucial.
They are available in various types of forms; paste, liquids and powder. The easiest ones to apply are liquid concealers.
Makeup brushes also play a very vital role in giving an air-brushed effect to the overall look. Hence, they should not be compromised on and separate brushes should be used for separate purposes. They are easily available in the market and can be purchased by referring to their purpose; for instance a foundation brush can be bought by asking for a foundation brush or a concealing brush could be asked by taking its name the same way.
These makeup hacks would make you feel 10 years younger and a lot more vibrant. Give them a try!a

Fariha Taj

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