Thursday, March 17, 2016

Here Is All You Need To Know About Ear Care

We all know the main function of the ear: listening. Despite being one the special sense organs, ears do not get much attention as they should. This part is very sensitive to head movement and slightest of sounds. The way ears are structured they are a little tricky to clean, prone to collection of dust
particles and lots of wax accumulation.
How to Clean Ears
It is important to keep your ears clean to prevent ear infections and loss of hearing. However, one should keep in mind that ear wax serves a protective mechanism and trying to clean all of it might causes more problems than good. Mostly people use Q-tips to clean their ears. They are inexpensive, easily available and easy to use: insert into year, scrape around to collect ear wax, remove and discard.
Here are the tricks, Read on!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide mixed with a little mineral oil put in ear through dropper helps soften and loosen wax present in the ear. Liquefied wax drains out of your ear which can be cleaned using a cotton ball. However, make sure you use small amount of hydrogen peroxide as it can irritate your ears.
Do-it-yourself Ear Irrigation
Mechanism behind any ear cleaning technique is to facilitate the ears self cleaning action. A solution made up of equal parts water, rubbing alcohol and white vinegar is used for ear irrigation. A few drops are carefully put into ear and then drained after a while. It loosens ear wax which drains with irrigation solution and the mess can be cleaned with a cotton ball. This is a quick, easy mechanism that gets the job done. Keep in mind rubbing alcohol and vinegar is both irritants and might irritate your ear if used more than a few drops.
Profession Ear Syringing
Your health practitioner will perform this procedure. It seems simple but should be applied at home. A syringe is used to squirt water in the ear canal that often the blob of wax blocking the ear. And then pulled out using medical tweezers. There is a minor chance of ear damage through this method. Side effects include dizziness and nausea that are caused by sudden pressure and temperature of water.
Mineral Oil
Mineral oil alone can be used to clean ears effectively without any side effects. This is because ear wax itself is made of lots of oils. Similarity in properties of both help ears remain protected from dryness and irritation. Warm or room temperature mineral oil (not baby oil) is poured into an ear through a dropper, cover it with a cotton ball and lie down facing the covered ear upwards. After a few minutes tilt your head and let it drain out along with softened wax. Although this will not help with big blobs, it is a great way of regularly cleaning your ears.

Fariha Taj

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