Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Soups That Will Make You Feel Healthy And Happy In Winters

So, here are some type of soups which can boost your energy level, read on!
The mixed veg soup 
Known to be anti-oxidant rich and full of fibre, the mixed vegetable soup is one of the most sought after nourishing soup alternatives. The home styled mixed veg soup, which usually is
made of beetroot, tomato, spinach, cabbage or broccoli is given a generous dash of ginger and fresh lemon juice extracted in front of you.
Spinach soup
This, one can say is the king of all soup variants that health freaks want to sip soon after finishing off their morning workout routine. Also available in most of the joints as a juice variant, spinach with all its nutritional benefits and fully loaded minerals, makes it another preferred soup/juice alternative for soupaholics.
Wheatgrass soup 
Another green ingredient known to enrich healthy living, wheatgrass happens to be another must to have ingredient in the morning fare of soups. While it may look like an acquired taste in the beginning, but with a sprinkle of taste enhancing natural herbs, fresh fruits like apple, avocado make it a complete healthy way to start your day.
Creamy green soup 
Made using an assortment of greens like spinach, fennel seeds, freshly sourced chives, spring onions, spring garlic and freshly ground pepper, prepared in olive oil or butter according to your calorie preference can also make your mornings deliciously healthy and light.
Italian cold soup 
One can also take a break from the piping hot fare by choosing cold soup alternatives. The Italian cold soups are a perfect mode to add variety to your soupy affair. The vegetarian soups like the cold cucumber cream not only enhances the gourmet effect, but also lets you experience a different taste.
Tomato soup
The evergreen tomato soup is often associated with a tangy and scrumptious feeling. And when you add a mix of other ingredients like the mint, ginger and fresh lime juice that make the tomato soup the elixir of morning wellness. The menu is incomplete without it.

Fariha Taj

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