Thursday, June 29, 2017

Poll: How are we feeling about Washington? Try 'alarmed' and 'uneasy'

Americans increasingly view the investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election as a serious concern, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, amid rising anxiety about President Trump's leadership and the nation's direction.
How are we feeling?
Try "alarmed," the option chosen by 42% of those surveyed when asked how they felt when they think about how things are going in Washington today. Another 33% feel "uneasy." Just 11% choose the positive "excited."
The air of angst is bipartisan. Nine of 10 Democrats feel uneasy or alarmed; so do a majority of Republicans. David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, says the poll signals "an overall sense that Washington, D.C., is wilting as summer's heat sets in."
The fierce congressional debate over whether to overhaul the nation's health care system is driving a sense of turmoil and uncertainty for some. So are the widening Russia probes by special counsel Robert Mueller and five congressional committees.
In the previous USA TODAY/Suffolk poll in March, 62% saw the Russia allegations as a very or somewhat serious issue. Now that's jumped to 73%, including nearly half of Republicans.
"There's all this smoke going on, and so far no one's come out with any fire" on Trump himself, says Jerry Kellum, 77, a retiree and a Democrat from Cedarburg, Wis., who was among those surveyed. "I don't think Trump's on the phone talking to (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin saying, 'Do this and this and this,' but I do think something is up. ... How serious or how strong that is? I don't know."
The Russia cloud and Trump's failure so far to enact any of his major legislative goals seem to be sapping his standing as he heads into the sixth month of his presidency. His approval-disapproval rating stands at 42%-53%, underwater by 11 percentage points. Three months ago, it was 47%-44%, tepid by historic standards but at least in positive territory.
Of more concern to some Trump allies is the growing intensity of opposition. Now 38% say they "strongly disapprove" of how he's handling his job; just 16% "strongly approve."
To be sure, Trump continues to command strong support among some. Nearly four in 10 of those surveyed, including three of four Republicans, agree with his assertion that the Russia probes are a "witch hunt" of him by his political enemies.
"It's so blatantly phony," scoffs Donna Ocra, 62, a Trump supporter who deals in real estate in Bradenton, Fla. "Every time they turn the corner, they find nothing and just turn another corner and find nothing again. I think it'll fizzle out and they'll find something else to attack him on."
She urges Trump to fire Mueller, the special counsel appointed to pursue the Russia investigation after Trump fired FBI director James Comey. That suggestion is overwhelmingly rejected by others in the poll, though. By more than 4-1, they call it a bad idea. Even among Republicans, only one in four endorse it."That would be insane," says Edmond Jackson, 48, of Savannah, Ga., an independent who cast a write-in vote for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in November. "If he fired Robert Mueller, it would make me feel like he was guilty."​
That said, there is broad agreement with Trump's complaints about leaks from anonymous sources in news stories about the investigations. Seven in 10, 69%, say they are very or somewhat concerned by the leaks.​
The poll of 1,000 registered voters, taken Saturday through Tuesday, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Americans express qualms about where things are going for the United States. Despite positive economic news, those surveyed by 56%-32% say that the country is on the wrong track, not headed in the right direction. That reflects a darker view of what's ahead than just three months ago, when by 46%-43% they said the nation was headed in the right direction.
“The country is polarized because of the politicians," grumbles Robert Ridge, 76, a retiree and Trump voter from Hazel Green, Ala. "I wish we could clean out Washington completely and start from scratch."
"Things are all about your party, not what’s best for your people," says Thad Milsap, 45, a teacher from Boynton Beach, Fla., who would like to see a third party emerge as an alternative. "I think that’s where it’s going wrong."Melinda Mckonly, 67, a retired pastor from Manheim, Pa., who voted for Hillary Clinton, says she is considering a drastic step. "I'm thinking of moving to France or Canada," she says. "They have much better presidents."
On particular issues, Trump gets his strongest approval rating, 47%-44%, on handling national security and terrorism. On handling the economy, 44% approve and 46% disapprove. But on foreign policy, only 38% approve and 53% disapprove. His worst rating is on health care, at 27%-61%.
In the past three months, the president's favorable-unfavorable rating has sagged, to 40%-55%. Vice President Pence also is viewed less favorably; his 47%-35% rating from March has shifted to 41%-43%. Views of the Republican Party have gotten worse; the GOP is now viewed favorably by only 37%.
Not that the Democratic Party fares any better; it's viewed favorably by 36%.
At the bottom: Congress. Just 19% have a favorable view of the legislative branch; 60% an unfavorable one.

Fariha Taj

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