Friday, July 14, 2017

High blood pressure is main points in many diseases so bad in health

You know that high blood pressure is a bad disease.It is in million people in all over the world. This is the blood pressure for people and hope to have good health.
1: What is blood pressure?
We find about high blood pressure that your heart beats pumps blood around your body to give it energy and oxygen than needs.We tell you about high blood pressure that is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. It is so dangerous.
High Blood pressure in causes.
We do not know that what causes of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is many reasons,these are too much alcohol consumption older age , Smoking , overweight stress and the hypertensive.
High blood pressure in heart point .
Mostly high blood pressure main cause of heart attack . These are big symptoms of heart failure as difficulty sleeping flat in bed ,Swelling in the ankles, feet and shortness of breath. High blood pressure can also cause heart disease.Hypertensive heart disease is the number one cause of death with high blood pressure.
Permanent care high blood pressure without taking any medicine:
Before eating drink water three glass and not drink water after eating so only.
1: Loki juice drink in it.Gourd’s juice is very important for high blood pressure.
2: Bail pater of 5 leaves in one glass water and boil these leaves and drink it.It so much useful for high bp.
3: machine and grind it.Take half teaspoon in hot water.
Control high blood perssurè without medication:
First of all,We tell you that.How does it control?How can you make to lower blood pressure and keep it down?A big reason it does ?In high blood pressure eating amla murabba daily ,in the morning.

Fariha Taj

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