Monday, July 10, 2017

weight loss exercise

What is exercise?
“Exercise basically a way to reduce
The weight of your whole body”
All peoples in the world want to look slim smart and beautiful. But when weight of our body increase
Then we can’t do any activity and any work accurate in daily routine. Then people feel shame in public.
Thy thinks that their life finished …….and spend their time with this weight.
But now no need to worry about your weight. You can reduce your weight from daily one hour exercise. There are some useful and easy exercise. You can do it in daily routine easily.
Walking is the best way to reduce your weight. In morning walking is too much beneficial exercise.Everyone can do it in the early morning in the cool breeze. Walk in a park is much batter.
Running is also a way to reduce our weight. When you run you all body muscles work. We can reduce our weight about 700 calories per is easy to perform. Everyone can do it easily……
If anybody cannot do walking and running because they cannot go out from home. Then the cycling is the much better way for them. Because cycling can do in home also ………….
Games are the best way to weight loss. When we play hockey, badminton, cricket etc……
Then our full body muscles work .because when we hit the ball then with arms our full body move. Therefore games are the best way to lose our weight.
Some other ways are also you think that it is easy in the home you can perform and get results. For example jumping rope, pushups, use dumber and also join the gym ………….
Remain healthy, fit slim and smart and enjoy your life…………….
Best of luck…………………..

Fariha Taj

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