Monday, July 10, 2017

Weight loss without exercises in 10 home remedies

How to reduce cholesterol in 10 home remedies
We told you about that how to reduce your cholesterol weight loss. You will saw that fat person have many diseases then we should first of all treatment of fat. These diseases due to fat and for less them 10 medicines of home remedies.
(1) Lemon juice
Lemon juice is the best home remedy for weight loss. Healthy digestion system from lemon juice. It helps to your body in burn fat.
(1) Take the three teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, one-half teaspoon powder of black pepper, one glass water fresh, mix well them. Half teaspoon eats for an empty stomach in the morning. Do this home remedy at least for three months.
(2) Aloe vera
Aloe vera is useful in fat burn.
(1) Take the three leaves of aloe vera, grind this 2 to 3 minute in simple water or grapes juice. Use this home remedy for one month.
(3) Green tea
Green tea is a natural point of burn fat. It helps slow for burn fat. It uses daily after the meal.
(4) Curry leaves
Eating 10 to 15 leaves in the morning daily without a holiday. It works fast of ayurvedic home remedy. Regularly continue this remedy.
(5) Rose petal water
Rose petal water is so good for health.Its drink daily, it gives cool energy for stomach, it also increases the fat of body.
(6) Coconut oil
Coconut oil is the best way of less fat in our body. After many types of research, it describes many more benefits in it.
(7) Apple food
Apple food low fat sodium naturally. One to two eats daily regularly.
(8) Hony and Zira
Take the honey and Zira, honey half teaspoon, Zira one g, mix well and use after the meal for 2 to 3 months.
(9) Warm water
Warm water the use in the whole day, this act remain for six months regularly.
(10) Curd with water
100 g curd and 125 g water, mix well, daily use in the morning.

Fariha Taj

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