Friday, January 22, 2016

Acne Vulgaris Removal Tips and Treatment at Home

Acne Vulgaris is a common issue of the hair sacs of the face, back, chest that disturbs almost the teenagers during teenage years. Acne Vulgaris happens when sebaceous oil glands close to the hair follicles are moved at the time of adolescence by mingling male hormones. These all factors cause to
ploughed pores and eruptions of acne usually called pimples, blackheads or spots. Acne Vulgaris usually occur on the face, back, shoulder, neck, and chest. Even though acne is not a serious threat and not harmful for health but it can be a big source of substantial emotional distress. Acne Vulgaris problem is usually mentioned to as spots, pimples, plukes or blemishes. There is nothing worse than waking up in the after night and find a big zit or pimple on your face or any other part of body.

There are number of treatment possibilities offered for this issue or acne problem even though some of them may create exploit with a few patients, others will hardly get any the help of that indistinguishable treatment. So let’s take specific Acne Vulgaris removal tips and treatment at home in the best way to possibly cure your problem
Salicylic Acid for Acne Vulgaris

Salicylic acid is a common and sure way to remove acne. You can also make salicylic acid at home. Take five crushed aspirin, honey and water to create salicylic acid mask. Apply this mask on affected area and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Be sure you fully crush the aspirin in order to achieve the effective effect. Honey is very useful for skin and work as an antibacterial agent. Rinse it well with warm water and get best results. Salicylic acid helps to dry up the marks and exfoliates the top layer of the skin.

Effective Baking Soda Mask for Acne

Baking soda mask is also very useful for acne vulgaris. It helps to remove the dead skin and culprit to breakouts and whiten the dull complexion. The people, who are affected with this disease, apply baking soda mask on affected area of skin to remove dead skin cells. Mix ½ cup of baking soda with warm water and create a paste. Now gently rub on the face and leave it on face for few minutes. Wash face with warm water after fully massaged the skin. Rubbing helps to get the fresh skin.

Stop popping the pimples

The first tip for Acne Vulgaris removal is that does not pop the pimples. Because this step may cause number of other problems and can create the more pimples and zits. Although people think that popping is a fast and quick solution of pimples and zits but they are wrong, this is not useful and really a temporary solution. This solution can also be left acne scars.

Use Egg Whites for Acne removing

Egg helps to smooth acne skin. The zinc and vitamin B properties combat pimples and acne problems effectively and efficiently. Take 2 eggs and crack them in a bowl and separate yolk from white. Just apply the whites on your face or on affected area. Leave it for 20 minutes and allow it to dry. It will help to cleanse your face and give you proper solution.

Fariha Taj

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