Friday, January 22, 2016

10 Most Effective Fairness Tips For Curing Dry And Dull Skin

Dryness can cause great damage to the skin because dryness eliminates essential oils from skin. Those who have dry skin should give special care both external and internal to keep away wrinkles and skin aging problems. Here are 10 most effective fairness tips for dry and dull skin.

Prepare your own home made mask for fair complexion with natural ingredients. Take crushed barley, honey, milk cream and turmeric powder. Mix all the ingredients to make a paste and apply on face. Leave it for 20 minutes after that wash with warm water. You can use this tip for hands and feet
also. Milk and honey nourishes skin while turmeric powder repairs damage skin.
Fullers’ earth is mixed with water to make a mud mask. You can add milk and two drops of olive oil to make it more suitable for dry skin. This mud mask makes skin soft and clear.
Effective Fairness Tips For Curing Dry And Dull Skin
Effective Fairness Tips For Curing Dry And Dull Skin

For getting a desired fairness massage your skin with yogurt. Yogurt has lactic acid and zinc which are good agents for lightening skin complexion. Yogurt also acts as moisturizer providing essential oils to dry skin.
As we are talking about fairness tips almond and olive oil are best natural ingredients to treat dry and dull skin. Massage your skin with these oils before every bath. Skin massage will increase blood circulation which is good for skin and oils will moisturizes skin making it soft and smooth.
Paste making with sandal wood, milk powder and turmeric powder is really curing for dry and dull skin. Apply this paste to the skin and when it dries out wash it with warm water. Sandal wood imparts brightness and makes skin shiny.
Giving external care makes skin healthy immediately but if you want long lasting healthy skin then internal care is also important. Our diet effects skin a lot, eating healthy food and daily intake of milk makes skin moisturized and healthy. If skin is healthy automatically our skin will look fairer and bright.
Protect skin from direct exposure to sunlight. The UV light damages skin making it dark and cause dryness. Sun heat evaporates moisture from the skin. Wear sun block while going out in the sun.
Papaya is a great ingredient for treating dry skin. Paste made with crushed banana, papaya and avocado is effective fairness tip for treatment of dry and dull skin.
Drink a lot of water because water flushes out toxins from the body, clean your blood and makes it healthy. Moreover water keeps skin hydrated thus prevent it from dryness.
Do exercise or yoga for proper blood circulation to make skin healthy. Because blood is responsible for providing nourishment to each and every part of body.

It is the wish of every woman to have flawless fair skin but in today’s life it is hard to get it. But these 10 most effective fairness tips for dry & dull skin you can make your skin fair and beautiful.

Fariha Taj

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